The Rose
Remember my love was God's promise to Delores through the symbol of a simple yellow rose. I knew they were mine. As I walked into the lobby of the hotel in Illinois, approaching the desk, I noticed a dozen yellow roses on the counter. I had no doubt in my mind, that they were for me. God had promised me through the years, He would remind me of his love towards me by sending roses by His people. In White Rock, Arizona, after ministering to the Native Americans on the reservation, a little girl pushed her way into the office to give me a picture she had drawn. Yes, it was a picture of a rose.
Women of Excellence
A Call to Excellence has been issued to women in Christian leadership. In this crucial season, women in ministry must not only have knowledge, charisma, and poise in their presentation, but also godly character. They must resist the widespread decline of Christian values and build upon the firm foundation of excellence that was established in years past.
In Women of Excellence, author, and minister Delores Kendrick discusses everything the minister needs to know, from appropriate clothing to traveling and dinner party etiquette. This guide to excellence in ministry and everyday life is relevant to women of every culture, age, and ethnicity, and contains the godly wisdom you need to keep your tabernacle pleasing to God.
It is time to raise the standard. Women of Excellence will inspire you to live with integrity and help you minister effectively while living as the woman God created you to be.
Restoration of the Arts Manual
The Ultimate Guide for Liturgical Dance, Flags, Banners and Praise & Worship
Today, God is releasing His body to a new level of expression in worship which involves dance, flags, and banners. Worship creates an atmosphere that invites and allows God to respond to us. Through worship the Lord releases his anointing to the church for praise, prophecy, warfare, healing, and deliverance. Miracles take place as we enter into the very presence of God.
It is my desire that this manual will be a help to you. Dancing in the church has taken a new dimension and without proper knowledge and instruction, it could lead to unnecessary problems personally, as well as, to the local church.
God is restoring Arts in the church, and there are hidden treasures, gifts, and talents, that must be released in this 21st Century body of Christ.
Prophetic Worship will draw people of all ages into the Kingdom of God.
Warfare Praise in song and dance shall break the chains and disarm the enemy and set the captives free.
$35.00 USD
Restauracion de la Artes
Su Guia Final para Baile litúrgico â–ª Banderas â–ª Letreros â–ª alabanzas y adoraciones
"Estoy trayendo a mi gente a un nuevo nivel de adoración dice
el Señor y a un nuevo nivel de adoración que causará queel enemigo huya en siete maneras. Hay un nuevo nivel de declaración profetizadora de las harpas los intestinos que están desarmando los planes del diablo. Yo estoy restaurando las artes en iglesia y las banderas y banderillas profetizaran y declararán el trabajo de Dios mientras los danzantes lo demuestren"
"Los danzantes levantarán una bandera a su dios y ellos tendrán las banderas de muchos colores, y las multitudes serán atraídas a la casa del Dios viviente. Ellos serán liberados de las cadenas del pecado. Pues estoy listo dice el señor para regresar por mi novia."
"Ellos levantarán una bandera a sus hijos y ellos ondearan la bandera dijo el señor vuestro Dios. El mundo los mirará y ellos vendrán corriendo. Ellos vendrán, aún, a las casas. Ellos vendrán a los tabernáculos y dirá, "qué es esto que veo? Qué es esto que siento? Qué es lo que está pasando? Tendremos una respuesta para ellos."
"Pues me estuve preparando dice Dios para regresar, si, aún, por mi novia. Me estoy preparando y estoy haciendo preparaciones, para recibir a mi novia. Pues mi corazón ya hace mucho tiempo, mi corazón jadea, sí, por mi novia. Yo la he preparado y yo la voy a preparar. Oh, una embarcación hermosa, una novia en ropas, blancas y sin mancha. Mi novia se revista en la tierra y la tierra mirará hacia ella y estarán asombrados de la belleza de mi novia. Porque mi novia es mi iglesia. Y digo ante ti, iglesia! LEVANTATE Y ENCARGATE DE LOS ASUNTOS DE TU PADRE."
$35.00 USD